
S*ndmail Access Database Update Daemon v1.0

Yet another solution for POP authenticated SMTP relaying

What it is

This daemon updates the access database of sendmail[TM] version 8.9.x or higher whenever a remote POP client logs in. This allows for "SMTP after POP" (or "POP before SMTP" or "POP authenticated relaying"). After a certain time, POP client addresses are removed from access_db. You need a POP daemon that writes client addresses into a named pipe, e.g. a patched qpopper of Qualcomm, Inc.

SmAccessD is suitable for small sites with SMTP daemon and POP3 daemon running on a single machine, serving a userbase of some hundreds of users. See "POP before SMTP for Sendmail", "Poprelay Home Page", "Dynamic Relay Authorization Control" for other SMTP-after-POP solutions.

What you need

How to install

  1. Get the files referenced above.
  2. Read smaccessd.h and edit it according to your needs. Note: This step is required. MAKEMAP_MAPTYPE must match sendmail's map type (mostly hash or dbm).
  3. Compile smaccessd:
        # gcc -Wall -O2 smaccessd.c
    or on HP-UX:
        # cc -Ae +ESlit +O4 smaccessd.c
  4. Install smaccessd:
        # strip a.out
        # chown root:mail a.out
        # chmod u=rx,g=rs,o=r a.out
        # mv a.out /any/where/smaccessd
    You must set the group id to the same qpopper runs under after a user logged in to POP. On all known systems, qpopper takes on the GID of the mail spool directory. (List /var/mail, /var/spool/mail or whatever and set the group part in the chown command above accordingly.)
  5. If there is no /etc/mail/access, create an empty one.
  6. Optionally configure an extra logfile for LOCAL0 in /etc/syslog.conf and kill -HUP syslogd afterwards.
  7. Start smaccessd and look for errors at console or in syslog (hopefully there are none).
  8. Get qpopper3.0.2.tar.gz from
  9. Untar qpopper3.0.2.tar.gz, patch qpopper:
        # cd qpopper3.0.2
        # patch -b -p0 <../popper302.diff
    You should have smaccessd.h and popper302.diff in parent directory relative to qpopper3.0.2.
  10. Configure, make and install qpopper as described in qpopper distribution.
  11. Activate FEATURE(`access_db') in sendmail configuration and restart sendmail.
  12. Write a nifty smaccessd boot script (rc script) or put it into sendmail's boot script.
    That's it.


v1.0, June 01 2000: first public release. some modifications for better portability
v0.9, May  18 2000: first productional release for HP-UX
Since then SmAccessD has been working here rock-stable until abandonment of the server.


All the stuff here is in the public domain (except for portions of the diffs that fall under qpopper's licence).

created in June 2000
updated in Mar 2001, Feb 2004
Stefan Richter